April 10, 2017 (LINCOLN, NE) — The Nebraska Diplomats will be sponsoring five regional events in place of their annual Business and Industry Day in May and Passport Weekend in September. This change will allow the Diplomats and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) a unique opportunity to visit and hear from various regions of Nebraska. It will also be an opportunity to bring business and industry leaders together with economic development professionals to receive an update on statewide strategies from DED, discuss regional strategies to maximize opportunities, tour area industries and workforce training facilities, and celebrate the accomplishments of regional leaders at a Diplomat award ceremony.
The first event will be held in Norfolk on June 1. That event will encompass:
- A roundtable discussion about regional strategies and challenges
- Regional awards luncheon
- Updates from the Department of Economic Development
- Tours
- Golf and/or Kayak activity
The other regional events throughout the year will be in:
- Kearney
- North Platte
- Scottsbluff
- Lincoln/Omaha area
“People love to live in Nebraska, they love to work in Nebraska, and they love to grow their businesses in Nebraska,” said Jane McDaniel, Nebraska Diplomat’s President. “That is why the Diplomats and DED create the best possible environment for businesses to grow in this state and drive towards the same goals. We feel like we operate in a business friendly state, and we feel that Nebraska communities really focus on how to create a better business climate for Nebraskans and for companies that want to relocate in Nebraska. We want to spread that message across the state and recognize those accomplishments.”
Stay tuned for further information about the Norfolk event and the confirmed dates for the other regional events.
Media Contact Kate Ellingson at 1-800-426-6505, 1-402-471-3749 or email kate.ellingson@nebraska.gov