Gov. Ricketts (podium) and DED Director Tony Goins (standing, far left) at today’s press event.
Video from today’s briefing is available by clicking here.
LINCOLN – This afternoon, Governor Pete Ricketts announced the formation of a business task force to restore growth to Nebraska’s economy. Nebraska Department of Economic Development Director Tony Goins will chair the task force. He joined the Governor at today’s press briefing to talk about the mission of the task force.
Additionally, Gov. Ricketts gave an update on the Test Nebraska initiative, which will include upcoming testing sites in the Omaha and Grand Island areas.
Gov. Ricketts: Stay Home Reminders
- We are now on Day 18 of the “21 Days to Stay Home and Stay Healthy” campaign.
- We are in the final stretch before we move to regional Directed Health Measures.
- I want to remind people of our Six Rules to Keep Nebraska Healthy.
- Stay home. No non-essential errands and no social gatherings. Respect the ten-person limit.
- Socially distance your work. Work from home or use the six-foot rule as much as possible in the workplace.
- Shop alone and only shop once a week. Do not take family with you.
- Help kids follow social distancing. Play at home. No group sports. And no playgrounds.
- Help seniors stay at home by shopping for them. Do not visit long-term care facilities.
- Exercise daily at home or with an appropriately socially-distanced activity.
Gov. Ricketts: Test Nebraska Reminder
- Nebraskans have completed about 89,000 assessments as of this morning.
- We need every Nebraskan to go to TestNebraska.com right now and to fill out this quick assessment.
- The first two Test Nebraska testing sites are expected to be Grand Island and Omaha later this week.
- We need people not just in these cities, but in the surrounding areas, to take the assessment now.
- We will begin contacting folks to schedule testing in the near future.
- Additionally, I want to let folks know that the assessment is now available in Spanish.
- Again, the website is TestNebraska.com. After taking the assessment, please go on social media and use #TestNebraskaChallenge to challenge five friends to do the same!
Director Goins: Business Task Force
- The State of Nebraska is working closely with business leaders to restore growth to our economy.
- As we do, I want Nebraskans to know that we’re committed to resuming business operations safely and in keeping with public health guidelines.
- The spirit of togetherness and willingness to cooperate among our state’s businesses, banks, ag community, and economic developers has long been a strength of Nebraska.
- This strong partnership doesn’t happen by chance. It takes ongoing communication, a commitment to collaborate, and dedication to support one another.
- Today, I’m excited to announce a new task force to lead the way in bolstering cooperation among Nebraska businesses.
- Our task force has already engaged advisors in various industry associations, such as cosmetology, restaurants, and retail.
- We’re also working closely with our Chambers of Commerce, who are intimately acquainted with the concerns of our business community.
- Together, we’re working to come up with guidelines that prioritize safety. At the same time, we want to allow business to take place as smoothly as possible given the circumstances.
- If community leaders have ideas, we encourage you to share them via email at DED.Info@nebraska.gov.
- Clear communication will be key as we start to roll out best practices for various industries.
- Please note that the virus is affecting our communities with varying intensity and at different times. We’re working to develop guidelines that are sensitive to these regional variations.
- Again, we encourage questions and dialogue. DED is ready and willing to help. Please contact us at 800-426-6505 with your input. Together, we’re going to get Nebraska growing again.
Full video of today’s press briefing is available by clicking here.
Media Contacts:
Taylor Gage, 402-471-1970
Justin Pinkerman, 402-471-1967