The Nebraska Departments of Economic Development and Labor urge employers and individuals in the Lincoln, Beatrice, and York areas to participate in the Hiring and Training Needs and Labor Availability Surveys. The goal of the Lincoln Metro Survey of Hiring and Training Needs and Lincoln Metro Labor Availability Survey is to identify education, training, or skill gaps that may need to be addressed to ensure businesses have a workforce that is prepared to meet today’s challenges and requirements.
Surveys were recently mailed to businesses and will be sent to households the week of January 15. The business survey contains questions about employment characteristics, hiring requirements, skill level of the current workforce, and IT talent needs. Owners, senior managers, human resource personnel, and first-line supervisors who are knowledgeable about the hiring and training needs of their company should complete the survey. The household survey contains questions addressing skills, education, and important factors concerning future employment.
These studies are being conducted by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, the Nebraska Department of Labor, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Bureau of Business Research and Bureau of Sociological Research. Employers who participate in the survey and provide a contact email address will be among the first to receive a report detailing the outcomes of the study. The reports will provide valuable data and insights regarding the labor force and underscore the hiring and training needs of area businesses. All results will be reported so that no individual organization or person can be identified.
Business surveys may be returned to the Nebraska Department of Labor by March 5 using the online portal at, using the envelope included with the survey, by email to, or by fax to (402) 471-9867. For more information or for questions or comments about the survey, please visit or contact the Nebraska Department of Labor by phone at (800) 876-1377 or by email at Household surveys may be returned to the Bureau of Sociological Research at UNL.
The results of the surveys will be published at