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Nebraska Seed Investment Program

The Nebraska Seed Investment program is an equity investment program to support early-stage Nebraska-based businesses. Under the program, up to $500,000 can be invested with a minimum of a 1:1 match to support product or service development. Equity investments made under the program are placed and held by Invest Nebraska, a nonprofit 501(c)3 venture capital firm that is contracted by DED to facilitate the program. Invest Nebraska specializes in venture development and entrepreneurial assistance and is governed by a volunteer board with extensive experience in angel investing, portfolio development, patent law and other areas.
Program Basics
Seed-stage investments can be made up to $500,000 per project.
Funds must be used for the commercialization of a prototype or process from a business or individual operating in Nebraska.
A business plan or pitch deck detailing the business must be submitted to InvestNE and DED.
Matching funds equal to 100% of the amount of the investment from DED must be raised within the past six months of the placement of the Seed investment. The match for value-added agriculture projects is 25%.

Is Your Business Eligible?
Eligible applicants include high-growth, early-stage companies with the potential to raise private capital who are developing and commercializing a technology, product, process or service. Other requirements include:
- Status as a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, registered limited partnership, sole proprietorship, business trust or other eligible entity engaged in non-retail primary industries that are adding value to products or processes in Nebraska.
- Must have 500 or fewer employees.
- Must be operating within Nebraska.
- Matching funds/co-investment must be equal to or greater than 100% of program funds (1:1). Value-added agricultural projects require a minimum of a 25% match (4:1).
Important Deadlines
Applications are accepted on a fiscal year basis from July 1 through June 30, until funds are exhausted.
To discuss applying for the Seed Investment program, please contact Ben Williamson (ben@investnebraska.com) at Invest Nebraska: https://www.investnebraska.com/contact-us
Program Guidelines
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