Home / Programs / Business Initiatives / Nebraska Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Tech Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Grant Program

Nebraska Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Tech Transfer
(SBIR/STTR) Grant Program

The Nebraska Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Initiative (SBIR/STTR) is a matching grant that provides financial assistance to Nebraska businesses that have received a Federal SBIR or STTR grant.

How It Works

The Nebraska SBIR/STTR Initiative provides funding during two phases of the Federal SBIR/STTR process. In Phase 0, funds are available to assist Nebraska small businesses during the federal application process. In phases 1 and 2, matching grants from the Nebraska Initiative are available for successful federal applications to support research and commercialization.

Are You Eligible?

To apply for grants under the Nebraska SBIR/STTR  you must meet the necessary qualification to apply for federal SBIR/STTR funds. Additionally, the Nebraska initiative requires you are a for-profit small business that conducts at least 51% of the activities proposed under the federal application in the State of Nebraska.

Available Funds & Grant Limits

  • DED may award up to $4 million per year in the SBIR/STTR program. DED reserves the right to award less than $4 million a year subject to demand, department budget, and available funds.
  • Phase 0 grants can reimburse for up to $5,000 per project for costs incurred in preparing a federal Phase 1 proposal.
  • Phase 1 grants will match federal SBIR/STTR awards up to $150,000 or 65% of the federal grant, whichever is less.
  • Phase 2 grants will match federal SBIR/STTR awards up to $300,000 or 65% of the federal grant, whichever is less.

Selection Criteria

Evaluated criteria for applications under the Nebraska initiative include, but not are limited to:

  • Scientific and technical merit and feasibility of the proposal.
  • Qualification of the Principal Investigation, team, and consultants.
  • Potential for successful commercialization or federal contract of the new product or process.

Important Deadlines

Applications are accepted on a fiscal year basis from July 1st through June 30th or until funds are exhausted.

For additional information on the Nebraska SBIR/STTR initiative review the current guidelines.




Application Period:
Open Date: 6/17/2024 12:00 AM 
Close Date: 6/30/2025 11:55 PM 



Application Period:
Open Date: 6/17/2024 12:00 AM 
Close Date: 6/30/2025 11:55 PM 



Application Period:
Open Date: 6/17/2024 12:00 AM 
Close Date: 6/30/2025 11:55 PM 

Program Guidelines

Need help with SBIR/STTR Grants?

Brad Kulwicki

Business Development Consultant II