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National Housing Trust Fund (HTF)

The National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a federal resource that supports the development of safe and qualify affordable housing for income-qualifying individuals and families, including such vulnerable populations as seniors, those experiencing homelessness, and those experiencing domestic violence.

Eligible Activities Include:

  • Property acquisition
  • New construction
  • Rehabilitation
  • Operating cost assistance (up to 30% of each grant)
  • Operating cost assistance reserves

Projects using HTF will develop rental housing for extremely low-income (ELI) households, defined as those with a gross annual income equal to or less than 30% of the Area Median Income (AMI). See HTF Rent Limits below for more details.

The HTF has Three Funding Categories:

  1. Collaborative Resource Allocation for Nebraska (CRANE)
  2. Targeted Needs
  3. Permanent Housing

All HTF applicants must comply with HTF requirements and demonstrate their capacity to carry out an eligible activity. Applicants must develop a plan to complete their project within 24 months of an award.

Funding from other housing programs may be used in conjunction with an HTF award.

CRANE Applicants
Eligible applicants include:

  • Nonprofit 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) Housing Organizations
  • For-Profit Developers
  • Redevelopment Organizations
  • Public Housing Authorities

Information on deadlines, eligibility, and instructions to apply for the CRANE category is available by contacting the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA).

Targeted Needs/Permanent Housing Applicants

Eligible applicants include:

  • Nonprofit 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) Housing Organizations
  • For-Profit Developers
  • Redevelopment Organizations
  • Public Housing Authorities

Applications for Targeted Needs and Permanent Housing funding categories are available and accepted on an open cycle.


HTF Targeted Needs Application

Application Period: 
Applications will be reviewed and funded on an open cycle.

HTF Permanent Housing Application

Application Period:
Applications will be reviewed and funded on an open cycle.

Resources for Applicants & Recipients:

  • Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 is a core requirement of all HUD-funded programs. Section 3 ensures employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance for low- and very low-income persons and businesses. This webpage provides information and training about these provisions and DED’s implementation of these requirements.
  • HTF Income Limits are updated annually by HUD.
  • HTF Rent Limits are updated annually by HUD.
  • CPD Income Eligibility Calculator is available on HUD Exchange and is an interactive tool that assists in determining the income eligibility and assistance amounts for beneficiaries of HTF and other CPD programs.

Application Guidelines & Grant Administration

Contract Special Conditions Forms & Templates
TitleFile TypeDate
Authorization to Request Funds TemplateWordDecember 26, 2024
Cost Allocation ToolDecember 21, 2023
Fair Housing MemoPDFDecember 28, 2022
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Language Assistance Plan TemplateWordDecember 27, 2022
Request for FundsWordDecember 17, 2021
Environmental Provisions

Refer to CPD Notice 16-14, HTF Environmental Provisions to complete the correct form below. If the project includes other federal funds than HTF, contact the HTF Housing Specialist.

Performance of HTF Contract Forms
TitleFile TypeDate
Reporting Forms & Templates

HOME and HTF Subsidy Limits

Pursuant to 24 CFR 93.300(a), all HTF recipients must establish maximum limitations on the total amount of HTF funds that may be invested per-unit for development of non-luxury housing. Any HTF funds provided as operating cost assistance or operating cost assistance reserves will not be counted toward the maximum per-unit development subsidy amount. However, the operating cost subsidies are still capped at 30 percent of each annual grant

DED has elected to use existing limits developed for HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). These limits are provided below.

Grant Management Resources

This page will provide technical assistance on using AmpliFund to apply for and manage grants awarded by DED.

Stay up to date on the latest news.

Subscribe to the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) email lists here.

Questions about the National Housing Trust Fund?

Mechele Grimes

HOME & National Housing Trust Fund Program Manager