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Middle Income Workforce Housing
Investment Fund (MWHF)

Established under the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act (LB866, 2020), the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Fund (MWHF) supplies matching grants to non-profit development organizations that administer local workforce housing investment funds. MWHF funds are awarded for investment into Nebraska’s communities in Douglas, Lancaster and Sarpy counties.

Housing Projects Eligible for MWHF Awards Include:

  • Construction of new owner-occupied housing units that cost not more than $330,000 to construct.
  • Owner-occupied housing units for which the cost to substantially rehabilitate exceeds 50% of the unit’s before-construction assessed value. After construction, appraised value of the building alone must be at least $125,000 but not more than $275,000.
  • Upper-story housing for occupation by a homeowner.
  • In all cases, housing must not be a beneficiary of federal or state low-income housing tax credits, Community Development Block Grant funds, HOME Investment Partnerships funding, National Housing Trust Funds, American Rescue Plan Act funds, or funds from the Nebraska Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

Eligible Areas

Projects must take place in Lancaster and Sarpy counties, or within or adjacent to qualified census tracts in Douglas County as described in 26 U.S.C. 42(d)(5)(b), as such section existed on January 1, 2024, 2025, and subsequent years.

Eligible Applicants

Grantees, who are approved by the Department of Economic Development director, must be non-profit development organizations that administer or intend to administer a workforce housing investment fund and currently invest in MWHF eligible activities. The organization must have an active board of directors with expertise in development, construction and finance.


Through state fiscal year 2026-2027, available funds shall be awarded on a competitive basis until they have been fully obligated. Guidelines for the 2024 Program Year are now available below under Application Guidelines. Letters of Intent are required and due by February 20, 2025. A template is included in the Application Guidelines. Full applications are due April 16, 2025.

No more than $10,000,000 may be awarded to any one non-profit development organization over a two-year period and through fiscal year 2026-2027.

Matching Funds

MWHF applications require a minimum of $0.25 per dollar, (i.e. 25% of requested award) match. Matching funds can be dollars contributed by individuals, businesses, foundations, local and regional political subdivisions, or other non-profit organizations into a single investment fund, administered by the eligible nonprofit development organization.

Award Evaluation

Competitive awards from the MWHF will be evaluated on demonstrations of:

  • Need for additional owner-occupied housing needs as identified by a recent housing study or letter from the city planning department;
  • A neighborhood or community that has a higher-than-state average unemployment rate;
  • A neighborhood or community that exhibits a commitment to growing its housing stock;
  • Projects that can reasonably be ready for occupancy in a period of 24 months;
  • The ability to grow and manage a workforce housing investment fund.

Application Guidelines

2024 Middle Income Workforce Housing Fund

PDF copy of Application

Application Period:

Open Date – 1/15/2025 1:00 PM (CST)
Close Date – 4/16/2025 5:00 PM (CDT)

Forms & Templates

Have Questions About the MWHF?

Nick Dropinski

Workforce Housing Specialist