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Meat Processing Wastewater Pretreatment and Runoff Control Program

The Nebraska Meat Processing Wastewater Pretreatment and Runoff Control Program will provide awards to a Nebraska municipality or intermunicipal agency that has identified a site for locating and constructing a publicly-owned treatment works necessary for the development of a site supporting a new meat processing facility.
Eligibility Information
What Can the Grants Be Used for?
Projects which fall under the following categories will be considered for funding:
- Construction of publicly owned treatment works
- Projects pursuant to implementation of a nonpoint source pollution management program established under the Clean Water Act (CWA)
- Decentralized wastewater treatment systems that treat municipal wastewater or domestic sewage
- Management and treatment of stormwater or subsurface drainage water
- Water conservation, efficiency, or reuse measures
- Development and implementation of a conservation and management plan under the CWA
- Watershed projects meeting the criteria set forth in the CWA
- Energy consumption reduction for publicly owned treatment works
- Reuse or recycling of wastewater, stormwater, or subsurface drainage water
- Security of publicly owned treatment works
Eligible centralized wastewater treatment projects include: primary and secondary treatment, advanced treatment, sewer system, CSO correction, climate resilience, and security.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
The Nebraska Meat Processing Wastewater Pretreatment and Runoff Control Program grant application will be open to a Nebraska municipality or intermunicipal agency that has identified a site for locating and constructing a publicly-owned the development of a site supporting a new meat processing facility.
Application Information
Meat Processing Wastewater Pretreatment and Runoff Control Program
Application Period:
Award Amount: $20,000,000
Anticipated Award Date: TBD
Period of Performance: Two years
Program Resources
Title | File Type | Date |
Cash Match Quarterly Report Template | Excel | August 17, 2023 |
Nebraska Meat Processing Wastewater Pretreatment and Runoff Control Program | October 19, 2022 | |
Title VI – Assurance of Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements | June 4, 2024 |
Grant Management Resources
This page will provide technical assistance on using AmpliFund to apply for and manage grants awarded by DED.
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