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Building Mental Health Treatment Facilities Program (BMHF)

The Building Mental Health Treatment Facilities Program (BMHF) Grant Program will provide capital construction grants, to build mental health care and education capacity, to nonprofit organizations that provide mental health service and education in Nebraska.
Eligibility Information
What Can the Grants Be Used for?
Funds awarded by the BMHF Grant Program are to be used to support the construction of mental health treatment facilities through the granting of capital construction grants. Through these grants the Nebraska Department of Economic Development will reimburse costs that are incurred during facilities construction.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
Eligible Applicants are nonprofit organizations that provide mental health services and education in Nebraska, and are identified as beneficiaries or sub-recipients as defined by the U.S. Department of Treasury.
Application Information
Building Mental Health Treatment Facilities Program (BMHF)
Application Period:
Open Date: 10/12/2022 9:00 AM Central Standard Time
Close Date: 10/28/2022 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Period of Performance: 2 Years
Award Amount: Grants will be awarded for $10,000,000.00, until all funds appropriated are awarded. While there is no formal match requirement, preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a cash match from privately raised funds to be matched with grants from the BMHF Program. Preference will also be given to applicants providing the greatest leverage of non-public funding. In addition, preference will also be given to applicants who are not affiliated with a political subdivision.
Program Resources
Title | File Type | Date |
Building Mental Health Treatment Facilities Program Manual | October 18, 2022 | |
Cash Match Quarterly Report Template | Excel | August 17, 2023 |
Title VI – Assurance of Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements | June 4, 2024 |
Grant Management Resources
This page will provide technical assistance on using AmpliFund to apply for and manage grants awarded by DED.
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Program Resources
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