JANUARY 12, 2017 (LINCOLN, NEB.)—The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) will conduct a public comment period, that includes two public videoconferences, on the Proposed 2017 Annual Action Plan which concerns the distribution of approximately $10 million in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, $3 million in HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds, $3 million in National Housing Trust Funds (HTF), $941,814 in Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) funds, and $370,412 in Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which is authorized under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. In addition, approximately $3 million in Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund (HSATF) funds, and $9 million in Nebraska Affordable Housing Trust Fund (NAHTF) resources will be distributed.
The Proposed Annual Action Plan describes national and state objectives, application schedules, eligible activities, and selection criteria for projects. Copies of the Proposed 2017 Annual Action Plan will be available at the videoconferences during the dates noted below, on the DED website at: https://opportunity.nebraska.gov/aap on or after January 25, 2017, or can be requested by calling Abigail Anderson, Community Development Coordinator, at (800) 426-6505 or (402) 471-3775, or by emailing her at abigail.anderson@nebraska.gov.
The public comment period is January 25, 2017 through February 24, 2017, at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.
The interactive videoconferences will be held as follows:
January 25, 2017, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Central Time
Nebraska Education Telecommunications (NET), Main Board Room, 1800 N 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE
Kearney, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, 315 W. 60th St., Ste. 400, Kearney NE 68845
Norfolk, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, 1212 West Benjamin Ave., Norfolk NE 68701
Scottsbluff, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, 505A Broadway, Ste. 500, Scottsbluff NE
February 3, 2017, 1:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Central Time
Nebraska Education Telecommunications (NET), Main Board Room, 1800 N 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE
Chadron State College, 10th & Main, Chadron, NE
North Platte, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, 200 S. Silber, Bldg. 2, North Platte NE 69101
Additional information about videoconferences:
If participants are viewing from their computer or mobile device the following links for both dates of 1-25-17 and 2-3-17, please note the below information:
For mobile devices http://channel.vbrick.com/NET/MultiDeviceIndex.aspx
For desktop computer http://channel.vbrick.com/NET/Index.aspx
Participant viewers with desktop computers should have a recent updated version of flash player on their computer. If the viewers do not have this installed, please contact your information servicing department or technical support.
If participants need technical assistance during the stream video conference, please contact the NVCN Help Desk telephone 402-471-4130, or at NET_NVCN@netad.unl.edu
If participants have questions about the content of the stream video conference for both dates please contact abigail.anderson@nebraska.gov
Beginning January 25th, the Proposed 2017 Annual Action Plan will also be available at:
Alliance Public Library, 1750 Sweetwater St., Alliance, NE
Auburn Memorial Library, 1810 Courthouse Ave., Auburn NE
Bennett Martin Public Library, 136 S. 14th St., Lincoln, NE
Central City Public Library, 1604 15th Ave., Central City, NE
Chadron Public Library, 507 Bordeaux St., Chadron, NE
Garfield County Library, 110 S. 7th St., Burwell, NE
Goodall City Library, 203 W. “A” St., Ogallala, NE
Jensen Memorial Library, 443 N. Kearney, Minden, NE
Lexington Public Library, 907 N. Washington St., Lexington, NE
McCook Public Library, 802 Norris Ave., McCook, NE
Scottsbluff Public Library, 1809 3rd St., Scottsbluff, NE
Sidney Public Library, 1112 12th Ave., Sidney, NE
Thomas County Library, 501 Main St., Thedford, NE
Valentine Public Library, 324 N. Main St., Valentine, NE
Wayne Public Library, 410 Pearl St., Wayne, NE
W. Dale Clark Library, 2015 S. 15th St., Omaha, NE
Mail written comments by February 24, 2017, 11:59 p.m. CT to: Abigail Anderson, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, P.O. Box 94666, Lincoln, NE 68509-4666, or email: abigail.anderson@nebraska.gov. Comments will be accepted beginning January 25, 2017. Individuals requiring sensory accommodations, including interpreter services, Braille, large print, or recorded materials should contact Abigail Anderson.
Los individuos no hablan Inglés y los individuos con discapacidad podrán solicitar las ayudas y servicios auxiliares necesarios para la participación de contacto con el Departamento de Desarrollo Económico PO Box 94666, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4666, o abigail.anderson@nebraska.gov.
Media Contact Kate Ellingson at 1-800-426-6505, 1-402-471-3749 or email kate.ellingson@nebraska.gov