Why Nebraska?
The door to opportunity is everywhere. But it’s easier to find when people hold it open.

It’s the Good Life – for you and your business. Nebraska is uniquely positioned as a state with both the capacity and capability to support businesses of any scale. It’s a state that delivers the tangibles you need and the support that you want.
Nebraska is working toward something greater, and we know you are too. We can help you get there with programs and services designed to help you succeed.
Why Nebraska? Everything, from the people here to the legislative climate, has a genuine answer to the question.

Why Nebraska?
Workforce & Work Ethic
of Life
Business Advantage
Nebraska’s location, infrastructure and utilities make it an ideal site for your business.

State-wide Support Network
From the unicameral to each community, Nebraska’s government is committed to making your business the best. Nebraska does this by passing legislation that removes the red tape and provides robust incentives to new and expanding businesses.
“I tell every CEO I meet, if you need to talk directly to someone, call me on my cell phone. Try doing that in California.”
— Former Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts
Big enough to get your business exactly what you need, but small enough that you’ll know exactly who you need to call.

Nearly every state in the U.S. has a public power utility, but Nebraska is the only state served 100% by publicly-owned utilities, meaning your power works for you and your interests.¹
Cost of Doing Business
Ranked as one of America’s Top 10 States for Business¹ year-in and year-out, Nebraska is a state that combines affordability, opportunity and an environment primed for growth.
The cost of doing business in Nebraska is 8% below the national average, and we are a right-to-work state.
Located middle of everything and built for connections. With 9 major airports and over 300 miles of inland waterways, Nebraska has the infrastructure in place to support your business.
Nebraska is home to several of the nation’s leading transportation companies and is located on one of the busiest rail corridors in North America.
Two of the Nation’s top 10 trucking companies, Werner Enterprises and Crete Carrier Corporation, are headquartered in Nebraska. Deliveries can reach 90% of the U.S. population within two days via truck.
Union Pacific Railroad’s headquarters, dispatch center, and largest rail yard all call Nebraska home.
Major Employers
These employers and many others have found success in Nebraska’s business climate, workforce and accessibility.

The proof is in the people. Nebraska has earned a reputation for its skilled, hard-working labor force – partly because we have one of the best educational systems in the nation. We’re proud to rank #9 in the country overall for education (U.S. News and World Report, 2021) while consistently maintaining one of the nation’s lowest unemployment rates.

Nebraska continuously finds itself ranking high on two lists—best high school graduation rate and best teacher-student ratio.
Students get firsthand, real-world experience through mentorships, internships, and more – like earning industry certificates through Career Academies.
Career Pathways
Participating schools to organize curriculum into Programs of Study that prepare students for opportunities in Nebraska’s economy.
High Tech High Schools-Career pathways high schools (Certificates) High School Attainment

Support for Professional Groups is evident throughout the state. Lincoln’s Young Professionals group is one of the largest in the country with over 2,000 members. Learn more about Nebraska professional groups.
Career Link – An online employee recruitment and career development site created and hosted by the Applied Information Management (AIM) Institute.
NEworks – Job searches, resume assistance, online job postings, and more—all rolled into one site designed to help you find the talent you need to run your business.
When one of us succeeds, everyone benefits. Nebraska businesses aren’t afraid to collaborate with their neighbors to make the Good Life even better.
Whether it’s resources, information, or just a cup of coffee, Nebraska’s support network will only strengthen your business.

Quality of Life
Living the Good Life in the silicon prairie is easy. Nebraska ranks lower than the national average on housing, utilities, transportation and health costs. We boast state-of-the-art healthcare and lower-than-average medical bills.
Whether you’re searching for wide-open spaces or bustling urban areas, Nebraska has something to offer.
Here’s a rare combination for you: Nebraska boasts state-of-the-art technology, personal care and lower-than-average medical bills. You won’t find all of these qualities in healthcare anywhere else. We hope you and your family never need it, but Nebraska has extraordinary healthcare services.
Of course, money doesn’t buy happiness, but less expense sure does ease the mind. Nebraska ranks lower than the national average on housing, utilities, transportation, and health costs.
We love the outdoors. Each of our dynamic seasons provides a variety of fun. Enjoy the abundance of trails in the summer, the crisp foliage of fall, sledding in winter, and the vibrant flowers in spring. It all makes for an incredible year.
The average Nebraskan has an 18-minute commute to work. Think of all the things you can do with the time saved—be early for dinner, kiss your kids goodnight, extend your happy hour. You will have to shorten your commute playlists, though. Sorry.
Find the best of both worlds in Nebraska. The energizing hustle of our urban areas and the thriving culture of our rural ones. Either way, you’ll be noticeably welcomed.
The environment is not something we take for granted in Nebraska. It’s our mission, through assistance and regulations, to protect the quality of our air, water and land resources. We’re proud of our clean state…and intend to keep it that way.
Let Joe know if you need help. He’s great at answering questions.