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Accredited Job Training Act

The Accredited Job Training Act provides grants for Nebraska employers who are creating net new jobs or increasing wages for existing employees who are receiving skilled job training.
Eligibility Information
What Can the Grants Be Used for?
Grant funds may be used for costs incurred during the job training of the new employee or existing employee. Eligible costs include, but are not limited to:
- tuition and fees
- books and classroom materials for the trainee
- reasonable costs of instructors who are not employed with the business
- other reasonable costs associated with the job training provided
Who is Eligible to Apply?
Nebraska employers who are creating net new jobs or increasing the wages of their existing employees due to the training they are receiving. The employer must also be in good standing with the Nebraska Secretary of State and provide non-FICA fringe benefits, including health insurance, as an option for their employees.
Application Information
Accredited Job Training Act
Application Period: Open Cycle
Award Amount: The Department will determine award amounts based off the information submitted in the application. Items the Department will take into consideration to determine award amounts: cost of the training, jobs are high wage, high skill, and high demand (H3), utilizing local training providers.
Matching Funds: The Employer must provide a 50% match per trainee, of the total amount awarded.
Grant Management Resources
This page will provide technical assistance on using AmpliFund to apply for and manage grants awarded by DED.
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