Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus Response (CDBG-CV)
In response to COVID-19, Congress appropriated additional funds, via the CARES Act to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the amount of $5 Billion to be allocated in three rounds of funding. These funds must be used for HUD CDBG eligible activities and meet one of the HUD national objectives of either benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, addressing slum and blight, or urgent need. Nebraska received a total of $14,130,912. The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) administers this allocation, the funding was made available within three funding opportunities: 1) Emergency Payments; 2) Emergent Threat; and 3) Economic Development. All funding is to be used directly related to the prevention, preparation, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Nebraska except for the areas designated as CDBG Entitlement Communities (Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island).
Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunity: Emergent Threat
DED made funding available to local unit of governments to provide funding directed towards building resiliency towards, recovering from, and responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This funding can be used to renovate and rehabilitate existing community facilities to serve their communities more effectively, as well as provide support to direct services, like food banks. Often local unit of governments partner with non-profit organizations on applications.
Amount Made Available: $5,454,452.16
Questions, Contact DED Representative:
- Laura Hart, Program Development Consultant | (308) 202-0177 |
Funding Opportunity: Economic Development
DED made funding available for communities and counties to assist business which expands the economic base and which create quality jobs principally benefitting low-to moderate income people. These funds directly relate to prevention, preparation, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Amount Allocated: 1,201,000.00
Questions, Contact DED Representative:
- Tom Stephens, Economic Development Financial Packager |
Application Process
CDBG-CV Application Guidelines |
CDBG-CV Emergent Threat Pre-Application |
CDBG-CV Economic Development Pre-Application |
Pre-Application Addendum & Project Checklist |
Application Templates
CDBG-CV Chief Elected Official Template
Application Exhibits
Exhibit A |
Exhibit B |
Exhibit C1 |
Exhibit C2 |
Exhibit D |
Exhibit E1-E2 |
Exhibit E3 |
Exhibit E4 |
Exhibit K1a |
Exhibit K1b |
Exhibit K2 |
Exhibit N |
Exhibit O1 |
Exhibit P |