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Community Development Success Stories

Communities across Nebraska benefit from funding through the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. We encourage you to read the following success stories, which demonstrate how funding has revitalized cities, towns and homes and transformed the lives of residents — whether by providing safe, affordable and accessible housing; renewing infrastructure; improving water and wastewater systems; renovating tourism centers or senior facilities; or expanding businesses and growing the workforce—these stories are waiting to be told.

Learn more about Community Development Week

Learn about the history and purpose of Community Development Week, as well as why we celebrate in Nebraska, and how your community can get involved.

Tell us your success stories. Stories are featured in our publications and online.

We know that communities across the state work tirelessly on goals to improve their communities for their citizens. We want to recognize projects that have helped communities accomplish those goals.

Success Stories

Fremont Invests in Community Development, Housing

CDBG funding has helped the City of Fremont create a more vibrant and livable community. Community revitalization is breathing new life into the heart of Fremont, Nebraska (population 26,450), with renewed streetscapes and restored upper-level housing sparking local...

Hastings Earns Accolades for Community Revitalization Successes

Governor Pete Ricketts presented the City of Hastings with the Showcase Community Award in April, 2017. The Showcase Community Award recognizes Nebraska communities that have displayed outstanding achievements in community development over the past five years, as well...

CDBG Program Helps Red Cloud Pursue Economic Opportunities

The new National Willa Cather Center is attracting tourism and sparking local business. Beloved American novelist Willa Cather spent much of her childhood in Red Cloud, Nebraska (population 1,115), with the city later appearing as a backdrop for some of her most...

Walthill Repurposes “Old Fire Hall” Into New Public Library

With help from the CDBG and CCCFF programs, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local donors, the Walthill Fire Department relocated in 2014 from its tired, 70-year-old fire hall into a brand new facility. Though you might think the Old Fire Hall would subsequently be happy to retire, today it is starting life anew as a place that the whole community can use and enjoy.

Village of Oconto Benefits from Water System Improvements

Tasked with upgrading its water system, the Village of Oconto turned to the CDBG program for assistance. As its water system displayed worsening symptoms of age and deterioration, villagers of Oconto, Nebraska (population 157) knew their community was facing a big...

Cambridge Carries Out Flood Mitigation Project

Funding from the CDBG program helped the City of Cambridge address a major public works issue, resulting in enhanced public health and safety. Prior to 2016, heavy rains usually meant standing and pooling water in low-lying portions of Cambridge, Nebraska (population...

Manufacturing Industry Leader In Minden Provides Jobs To Community And Surrounding Area

In order to support growth opportunities, Royal Engineered Composites, Inc. in Minden applied for assistance through CDBG funding to help cover the cost of working capital and equipment needs. By December 2014, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development awarded $605,000 in CDBG funding to the City of Minden to assist with the expansion of Royal.

Share Your Success Story

Tell us your community success stories. Stories are featured online and within our publications.

We know that communities across the state work tirelessly on goals to improve their communities for their citizens. We want to recognize projects that have helped communities accomplish those goals. We appreciate all that you do for your communities and for the state!

Submission Instructions:

  • Please download and fill out the Success Story Submission Form.
  • Click on the “Submit Your Success Story” button below! This button will direct you to ShareFile for submission.
  • Upload your completed Success Story Submission Form and any photographs you have!

Have questions about Success Stories?

Gina Doose

Economic Development Packager  |  402-310-9772