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Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR)

Through a grant agreement with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, DED’s Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program provides assistance to Nebraska communities recovering from Winter Storm Ulmer (DR-4420). To help mitigate damages from flooding and other weather-related incidents in 2019, Federal monies have been allocated to be administered throughout some of the hardest-hit areas in Nebraska.

Working with various funding sources, including other federal programs, DED awards funding for communities to assist in their disaster recovery efforts. Long-term monitoring of the awards helps ensure communities use funding to make the most impact.

For more information regarding CDBG-DR, please continue to follow the website for updates and join our mailing list.

On July 31, 2020, DED submitted the State of Nebraska DR-4420 Initial Action Plan to HUD for approval. After coordination meetings with HUD staff, DED submitted a revised version of the plan for final approval on April 14, 2021. The housing and infrastructure programs did not change between initial submission and approval. A copy of this plan, as amended, is available on this website. Summary of Changes documents are made available for all amendments to the Action Plan. 

All program materials, including plans, forms, and online information, will be made available in Spanish upon request.

Todos los materiales del programa, incluidos los planes, los formularios y la información en línea, estarán disponibles en español a pedido.

CDBG-DR General Program Information

The Action Plan includes an unmet needs assessment analyzing the impacts of DR-4420 and the unmet needs related to housing, infrastructure, and the economy. The Action Plan describes DED’s plan to allocate available funding to a combination of housing, infrastructure, and planning programs to address those unmet needs.

Method of Distribution

Unmet Needs Assessment

DR-4420 Action Plan (HUD approved)


Disaster-Related Recovery

The CDBG-DR funds must be used toward disaster recovery activities, addressing disaster relief, restoration of infrastructure, and housing and economic revitalization, directly related to the 2019 disaster.


Meeting a National Objective

To qualify for CDBG-DR funding, activities must meet one of three national objectives set forth in section 104(b)(3) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974:

  1. Benefit low-and moderate-income (LMI) persons, or
  2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, or
  3. Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs (Urgent Need).


HUD requires that at least 70% of the CDBG-DR funds be allocated and spent to benefit LMI populations. The Data for Applicants & Grantees link provides low- ad moderate-income data and other relevant information for applicants and grantees.


Most Impact and Distressed Counties

HUD has identified Sarpy, Dodge, and Douglas counties as the “most impacted and distressed” from DR-4420. Per HUD requirements, 80% of CDBG-DR funding must benefit the HUD-defined MID areas (Sarpy, Dodge, and Douglas counties). To meet the needs of other impacted counties outside of the HUD-defined MID, the State has allocated up to 20% of CDBG-DR funding to support recovery in counties that were included in the federal disaster declaration.

Slide Deck

CDBG-DR Overview Presentation

Additional Resources and Related Links



Citizen Participation Plan

Public Hearings

Public Hearings are held in accordance with the Citizen Participation Plan. Below is a list of past, current, or future public hearings. If no current or future hearings are scheduled, check back here and/or subscribe to our mailing list to receive emails.

Citizen Engagement

Below is a listing of past events. Please find announcements of upcoming community outreach and informational sessions under CDBG-DR Announcements. To stay up to date on important CDBG-DR information, please continue to follow our website and join our mailing list.


Public Records Request

As part of our public policy, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) aims to maintain transparency in Nebraska’s recovery processes after Winter Storm Ulmer (DR-4420). To that end, DED has developed guidelines so that any person or entity can have access to information related to activities carried out with CDBG-DR funds, while protecting the confidentiality of the information requested. DED’s goal is that every person can stay informed by following a uniform process to obtain public information regarding the management of the CDBG-DR funds and to facilitate the scope of transparency by having a reasonable framework of the steps to follow in order to have access to the information, as requested by the public.

As grantee, DED is responsible of making sure that all public information requests (PIRs) are addressed within a reasonable timeframe. Whenever possible, PIRs will be answered within ten (10) business days upon receipt if submitted by postal mail, electronically, or personally at DED headquarters.


The minimum information that a PIR Form must contain is:

  • Full name;
  • Physical address; Postal address; and / or email;
  • Telephone number;
  • Signature;
    • If the petitioner is a legal entity, the PIR will also include:
      • The title of the representative of the legal entity; and
      • A certification that the person signing is acting as such.
  • The Division or Area of DED that the petitioner believes has custody of the requested public information, if known;
  • A detailed description of the public information that the petitioner wishes to obtain, examine, or inspect; subject to payment of the applicable fees;
  • Format in which the petitioner wishes to obtain public information; be it hard copy or electronic.

The PIR Form may be submitted to DED through the following methods:

Online: fill out the request form available on DED’s website at


Postal Mail: Nebraska Department of Economic Development, 301 Centennial Mall South, PO Box 94666, Lincoln, NE 68509-4666

In person: Nebraska Department of Economic Development, 301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor, Lincoln, NE 68508

In compliance with HUD requirements and the CDBG-DR Citizen Participation Plan, DED has created a PIR Form in order to establish a clear and specific model that guarantees people’s access to public information. You may download it or fill it out via this webpage. If you require assistance in your submission, please call 800-426-6505.



Submitting Complaints

As part of addressing Nebraska’s long-term recovery needs, citizen complaints on any issues related to the general administration of CDBG-DR funds are welcome throughout the duration of the grant. DED aims to provide an opportunity to address all complaints received. Addressing these complaints is an essential responsibility for DED, as it establishes the importance of an open communication regarding citizens’ concerns about the programs.

It is DED’s responsibility, as grantee, to ensure that all complaints are addressed promptly and consistently and, at a minimum, to provide a timely, substantive written response to every written complaint within fifteen (15) business days, where practicable, as a CDBG grant subrecipient. This timeframe is consistent with HUD requirements.


A complaint is a formal statement of grievance submitted in writing, which will be documented, processed, filed, and answered as per 24 C.F.R. 570.86 (a)(7). DED requires the following formalities:

  1. Needs to be in writing.
  2. Complainant’s full name.
  3. Complainant’s contact information and preferred method of notification for communications regarding complaint (telephone, physical, postal, and email addresses).
  4. Nature of complaint.
  5. Summary of complaint and desired remedy requested.
  6. Previously contacted individuals concerning complaint.
  7. Any supporting evidence.

Requirements 1-5 are mandatory. Complaints with insufficient data or submitted by a third party with no standing in the matter being submitted need not be accepted or reviewed. Anonymous complaints will not be addressed. Any individual filing a complaint on behalf of an individual or entity, shall present proper documentation confirming they have the authority to represent the complainant.

In compliance with HUD requirements and the CDBG-DR Citizen Participation Plan, DED has created a Citizen Complaint Form in order to establish a clear and specific model that guarantees people’s access to public information. You may download it or fill it out via this webpage. If you require assistance in your submission, please call 800-426-6505.

In order to ensure adequate communication with and from persons with disabilities, a complainant may request alternate formats, as needed. One of these may be to allow that a complaint be received verbally. CDBG-DR personnel or other related CDBG-DR parties receiving said complaint must assure compliance with all the requirements as described above.

The Citizen Complaint Form may be submitted to DED through the following methods:

Online: fill out the complaint form available on DED’s website at


Postal Mail: Nebraska Department of Economic Development, 301 Centennial Mall South, PO Box 94666, Lincoln, NE 68509-4666

In person: Nebraska Department of Economic Development, 301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor, Lincoln, NE 68508

Complaints related to fraud, waste or abuse of government funds must be reported to DED’s Internal Auditor, the Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts (APA), directly to the OIG at HUD, or any local or federal law enforcement agency. More information on Anti-Fraud, Waste or Abuse Policy.


DED is dedicated to being a good steward of CDBG-DR resources while maintaining a comprehensive policy for preventing, detecting, reporting and rectifying fraud, waste or abuse. DED encourages any individual who is aware or suspects any kind of conduct or activity that may be considered an act of fraud, waste or abuse, regarding the CDBG-DR Program, to report such acts to DED’s Internal Auditor, the Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts, directly to the Office of Inspector General at HUD, or any local or federal law enforcement agency.

The CDBG-DR Anti-Fraud, Waste or Abuse (AFWA) Policy includes definitions and examples of fraud, waste and abuse and information on reporting and investigation.

Any allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse related to CDBG-DR funds or resources must be reported to DED’s Internal Auditor, the Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts (APA), directly to the OIG at HUD, or any local or federal law enforcement agency. If you know or suspect someone has committed fraud, waste or abuse related to the CDBG-DR Program, please report by any of the means listed below.

To the Nebraska Department of Economic Development Internal Auditor:

  • Online/Anonymous Email: Fill out the AFWA Submission Form, available at
  • Phone: 800-426-6505
  • Postal Mail: Nebraska Department of Economic Development, 301 Centennial Mall South, PO Box 94666, Lincoln, NE 68509-4666
  • In person: Nebraska Department of Economic Development, 301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor Lincoln, NE 68508



To the Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts (APA):

  • Online/Anonymous Email: Fill out the AFWA Submission Form, available at the Nebraska APA’s website:
  • Phone: Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts confidential Hotline at 1-800-842-8348.
  • Postal Mail: Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts State Capitol, Suite 2303, P.O. Box 98917 Lincoln, NE 68509-8917
  • In person: Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts State Capitol, Suite 2303, Lincoln, NE 68508

Contact HUD’s OIG Fraud Hotline via phone at 1-800-347-3735 or via email at

Press Releases & Announcements


Recent Press Releases:

Infrastructure Match Program

The Infrastructure Match Program is focused on designing and implementing projects that will strengthen and build more resilient communities driven by the needs, opportunities, and strategies to mitigate future disaster impacts throughout the state. Projects under this Program will implement mitigation and resilience measures to protect against future hazards.

Many federal programs require local governments to pay a share of the cost of a project, called the local share or match. In the aftermath of a disaster, the match requirements can be burdensome on local grant recipients with limited resources who have been overwhelmed by emergency and recovery work and further weakened by lost government revenues. In part, this Program utilizes CDBG-DR funding to alleviate the burden for local communities in meeting the local match requirements for their Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program projects in the aftermath of the 2019 disaster. Other infrastructure projects may be considered where CDBG-DR funding is awarded to
support other funds.

Project Toolbox


  • Pre-Application Materials, April 11, 2022. DED issued notification to qualified projects for the Nebraska CDBG-DR Infrastructure Match (Match) Program. The NOI Pre-Application is open for submissions from April 11, 2022 until June 10, 2022. View the announcement for additional information and instructions regarding the NOI Pre-Application process, including a forthcoming webinar to walk through the requirements set forth in the Pre-Application.  In response to an eligible local jurisdiction’s submission of the Pre-Application, DED will release information about the application process.
    • HMGP Pre-Application, PDF
    • PA Pre-Application, PDF
    • NOI Opt-Out Letter, PDF
    • NOI and Pre-Application Webinar, April 28, 2022, Slide Deck | Video | Q&A

Check back here for application user guides, subrecipient award management guides, and other tools and resources.

Infrastructure Match Program Application


Applications closed.

View awards listing here.

Appeal Procedures

Grievances accepted here.

CDBG-DR Manual

Program Guidelines

Technical Assistance

Housing Programs

The CDBG-DR Affordable Housing Construction Program has been designed based on unmet needs and local priorities, as identified through feedback from local long-term recovery groups and local outreach efforts. See below for an overview.

Affordable Housing Construction Program

Affordable Housing Construction Program

The Affordable Housing Construction Program is intended to increase the affordable housing supply in flood-impacted areas, including affordable rental housing and affordable homeownership for low- and moderate-income households that lost their homes in DR-4420. Funds may be directed to new construction or unit rehabilitation to offset the impact of disaster-related losses.

This Program will be delivered between multiple applications for funding. The first application was in partnership with the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority where Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and Collaborative Resources Allocation for Nebraska funding will be leveraged. At least two additional applications for other housing activities will be through DED directly, where LIHTC is not a funding source.

Project Toolbox
  • AHCP Homeowner Production Program (HPP) | July 29, 2022
  • AHCP Homeowner Production Program (HPP) Fact Sheet | July 29, 2022
  • AHCP Homeowner Production Program (HPP) Office Hours Notes and FAQ | August 25, 2022
  • AHCP Homeowner Production Program (HPP) Application Overview | May 11, 2023
  • DED-NIFA Joint Application, CDBG-DR Eligibility Requirements | September 26, 2021
  • DED-NIFA Joint Application, CDBG-DR Site Review Form (“Exhibit 10”) | Sept. 6, 2022


01 HPP Application Guidelines
02 HPP Letter of Intent
CDBG-DR HPP Proforma Application
Exhibit 10 – Site Review and DLR
Exhibit 11- Public Hearing
Exhibit 12 – Statement of Assurances & Certifications Template
Exhibit 13 – Residential Anti-Displacement & Relocation Assistance Plan
Exhibit 14 – Applicant Certification Form for Non-Profits
Exhibit 15 – Authorizing Board Resolution for Non-Profits
Exhibit 16-Applicant Certification Form for Non-Profits
Exhibit 17 – System for Award Management Documentation

Housing Program Applications

Applications closed.

View awards listing here.

Appeal Procedures

Grievances accepted here.

CDBG-DR Manual

Program Guidelines

Technical Assistance


Planning Programs

Risk Awareness & Resilience Planning 

Housing Resilience Planning 

Risk Awareness and Resilience Planning 

Activities to support Risk Awareness and Resilience Planning will target areas with flood vulnerabilities, particularly those residential areas with risk exposure from private levees. RARP targets counties that received a disaster declaration and focuses on flood hazard vulnerabilities that led to flood damage under DR-4420. The overarching goal is to promote comprehensive community resilience, resulting in a built environment that is more resilient to the impacts of natural disasters. RARP aims to engage, communicate, and educate individuals on flood risk and water control infrastructure, and provide alternative flood mitigation options to promote resilience. DED has engaged with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to carry out these activities in coordination with a project advisory committee that includes state, regional, and local stakeholders. 

Risk Awareness & Resilience Planning

Activities are administered under an agreement with UNL.

View award listing here.


Appeal Procedures

Grievances accepted here.

CDBG-DR Manual

Program Guidelines

Technical Assistance

Housing Resilience Planning Funding Opportunity

Housing Resilience Planning will support local jurisdictions and economic development districts in developing plans for housing recovery, resilience, and affordability. The plans will support communities in identifying and leveraging both CDBG-DR and other resources and strategies for housing recovery, resilience, and affordability. The overarching goal of this funding opportunity is to promote comprehensive community resilience by addressing flood vulnerabilities in counties that were declared under DR-4420, including those designated as the HUD-MID (Dodge, Douglas, and Sarpy counties).

Housing Resilience Planning Project Toolbox

Use the boxes below to link to the CDBG-DR Manual, program guidelines, and other tools and resources.

Housing Resilience Planning Program


Applications closed.

View awards listing here.

Appeal Procedures

Grievances accepted here.

CDBG-DR Manual

Program Guidelines

Technical Assistance

Have questions about CDBG-DR?

CDBG-DR Assistance

Housing & Community Development